24" x 48" Acrylic on linen November 2017 Painting is in a private collection

Acrylic on gessoed board 20" x 27.5" July 2017 Painting is in a private collection

Acrylic on linen 72" x 48" July 2017 Text reads: Hail Lord Heru Golden One whose body is sky And eyes the sun and moon Lord of the sky Bone breaker Grant me the powers Of strength, courage and perseverance May this be a million times true now and for eternity

Acrylic, 23 carat gold leaf and lapis lazuli on linen 36" x 48" February 2017

Egg tempera on gessoed board 46 x 60 cm February 2017 Painting is in a private collection

Mixed media (acrylic and molding paste) on linen 72" x 48" April 2017 Painting is featured in new Llewyn book published April 2024: The Complete Encylopedia Of Egyptian Deities by Dr. Tamara Siuda