Artist Statement
The doors of the basin of the sky are thrown open to me
And I go through them.
My leopard skin is on me
And my sceptre is in my hand.
The Pyramid Texts
Utterance 469, Lines 907b - d
Pyramid of King Pepi I
Old Kingdom (6th Dynasty) circa 2332 – 2287 BC
(for hieroglyphic text of this phrase see below)
I am interested in the sacred and the magickal expressed through art.
The sacred is that which contains the very mystery of who we are. The magickal is the means by which we may know.
The Netjeru draw my attention to this and immerse me in a state of . . . . ?
In my art I seek to go beyond the confines of what religion may be / is, to that numinous dimension that is embracing, threatening, welcoming, hostile and mysterious.
The place from where we emerge.
This is the hieroglyphic text of the phrase from King Pepi 1st's pyramid referenced above, featured in my painting
Dazzled By The Mirror Of Heaven.
The phrase is also featured in the paintings Magickal 142 and Kemetery.